Indigenous DNA Testing

The necessity for a legal Indigenous & Metis DNA testing can vary depending our your own situation. It can help to answer questions about your heritage, your rights to land, or you may be eligible to receive the Treaty annuity payment from the Government of Canada. Those who are registered under the Indian Act and are registered to a First nation that signed a specific historic treaty with the crown.
Mjay Santé uses the term “Indian” because it has a legal meaning in the Indian Act at Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Status Identity Card
Right to live on reserves
Paternity claims
Child custody decisions
Establish rights to an inheritance
Father’s name to be added onto the birth certificate of a child
Settlement agreement from the Government of Canada
Tax exemptions that you may be entitled to tax exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) uses the term “Indian” because it has a legal meaning in the Indian Act.